LP3M Udayana University Holds FIBAA Accreditation Self Evaluation Report (SER) Writing Workshop for 14 Socio-Humanities Study Programs

LP3M Udayana University held a workshop on Writing Self Evaluation Report (SER) with FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) accreditation for 14 socio-humanities study programs from 4 faculties, each of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Tourism. The activity will be held online on Friday, March 18, 2022, at 09.00-12.00 WITA. The workshop was followed by a task force from 14 study programs that were prepared for FIBAA accreditation. This workshop is a follow-up to the "FIBAA Accreditation Kick-off for the socio-humanities study program at Udayana University", which was held on March 8, 2022.

This FIBA ​​SER writing workshop brought in as speakers the Coordinator for Internationalization - Airlangga University Quality Assurance Agency, Novrys Suhardianto, SE, MSA, Ak., Ph.D. In his remarks and opening of the workshop, the Secretary of the Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. IM Alit Salain Employees, DEA. said, that, "In order to prepare for FIBAA accreditation, inviting resource persons who have experience both in preparing SER, undergoing FIBAA accreditation assessment, including in reviewing SER that will be submitted for FIBAA accreditation. We hope that the FIBAA task force at the university and study program levels, including the leaders can take as much knowledge as possible from sources."

The resource person at the beginning of his presentation told his experience in preparing the SER when preparing for FIBAA accreditation, "At first, reading the guidelines did seem a lot of uncertainty. However, the longer you interact with the guidelines, the more you will understand that every sentence in the guidelines is not in vain. " Mr. Novrys continued by explaining in detail the questions and discussion points in the FIBA ​​SER of all criteria/standards; along with interpretations, experiences, tricks that can be done in writing SER. FIBAA accreditation is carried out in a science-based cluster system where S1, S2, S3 study programs within the same faculty are very likely to be in one cluster, so that the inter-strata curriculum must be ensured that there is no overlap or repetition. The resource persons also explained in a systematic manner related to general information about universities, glossary agreements on terms used, including in relation to national higher education policies.

Novrys Suhardianto, emphasized the importance of study programs to show that the objectives of the study program must have international goals or targets. Because there will be a fundamental question, "Why bother with international accreditation if you don't have an international target." Presentation moderated by Dr. Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini, SS, M. Hum. This continued with the discussion and discussion of the initial draft of the English Literature Study Program SER that had been made, where the workshop participants could benefit directly from these inputs. The workshop event included a question and answer session from the presentation material that had been given; then proceed with discussing the draft SER that has been made.

The workshop was closed by the Secretary of LP3M, marked by thanks and delivery of speaker certificates to the speakers.