Unud Professional Certification Institute Holds Training and Certification of Competent Assessor Candidates and Re-Certification of Competency Assessors

The Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of Udayana University held Training and Certification of Competent Assessor Candidates and Competency Assessor Re-Certification at Quest Hotel, Monday (14/3/2022). The training was opened by the Rector of Udayana University and attended by the Deans of the Faculties, the Chairperson of the LSP Udayana University and the BNSP Master Assessors. The training and certification took place for five days (14 -18 March 2022) guided by six Master Assessors from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), namely Ir. Drs. Asrizal Tatang, M.T, Dr. Ir. Nes Yandri, M.S., IPU, Ir. Benny Bunyamin, Sutri Lasmini, SE, Dr. Made Arya Astina, S. S., M. Hum and Kadek Wira Adi Saputra, SST. Par., M.M.

Head of LSP Udayana University Dr. Putu Saroyeni Piartrini, SE., Ak., MM in her report said that this activity is one of the main tasks of LSP Udayana University in providing examiners (Assessors) to support and improve performance in implementing competency certification for students at Udayana University. The development of the scope of certification, which is in progress, requires the support of adequate assessment implementers. This activity was attended by 70 lecturers from nine faculties, namely Faculty of Economic and Business, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Cultural Sciences and Faculty of Social Science and Political Science. In this activity, 48 participants will carry out training and certification of assessors while 20 people will take part in training and recertification. Through this opportunity, the Chairperson of LSP Udayana University appreciated the Rector for the support provided in strengthening the professional certification system, especially in developing LSP Udayana University certification resources in order to increase the capacity to increase the number of competency-certified students which is one indicator of the realization of quality, relevant and competitive learning outcomes in Indonesia. the job market according to industry demands.

Representative of Master Assessor Ir. Drs. Asrizal Tatang, M.T in his speech said that LSP Udayana University where since 2018 the development has been very high. The Master Assessor congratulates the participants from almost all faculties at Udayana University to become competent Indonesia according to the mission in higher education and the mandate of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education where students' rights to obtain certificates along with transcripts and competency certificates will be brought. into the world of work. It is hoped that all participants after participating in this training can be recommended to become assessors who spearhead the front line to ensure quality. An assessor will later determine that a student who takes part in the competent competency test can be recommended to LSP and LSP on behalf of the BNSP will issue a certificate that the person concerned is able to work in the occupational field taken, so quality really rests with the assessors.

While the Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in appreciating LSP which has held this activity, which since its establishment in 2016 has had around 150 assessors, so only about 10 percent of the number of Udayana University lecturers have certificates to become student assessors who later given a certificate worth passing with certain competencies. The more lecturers who have this certificate, of course, the more students who can be involved in this program. The Rector also gave appreciation to the Faculty Leaders so that the involvement of HR in their respective faculties will greatly contribute to the achievement. This can also support the MBKM Program and KPI achievements related to the number of graduates who get decent jobs. Internal standardization will also be carried out to support KPI achievement. On this occasion the Rector also conveyed several policies and work programs of the Rector in the future. The Rector also hopes that in the future the number of participants can be increased and the lecturers participating in the training will follow suit properly so that they have adequate competence.