Udayana University Holds MBKM SIM Socialization for Students Online

Udayana University held an online MBKM Management Information System Socialization for students through the Cisco Webex application, Tuesday (1/3/2022). The socialization was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and also attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Faculty Leaders, Head of USDI and Teams, MBKM Coordinator and Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau Staff.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Udayana University Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that MBKM is very important for a university so that it is necessary to disseminate information to students regarding the registration process, determining courses and problems that may arise, so that students can be facilitated to participate in this program. Universities must facilitate students who wish to participate in MBKM. The role of students is needed in this case, where a minimum of 20 credits. For this reason, it will be encouraged so that more and more students are involved in MBKM and get achievements. In addition, there is already a Rector's Regulation and Permendikbudristek which regulates this so that it must be facilitated. Besides supporting the achievements of IKU, MBKM and student achievements, it also supports SIMKATMAWA. There is already a policy of recruiting outstanding students to boost the number of student achievements. Through this socialization, it is hoped that students will not find problems in the future in joining the MBKM program.

While the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in her opening remarks conveyed that the purpose of this socialization is to facilitate students who are interested in participating in the MBKM program so that they can be properly recorded and facilitate the implementation of the MBKM program. An SOP has been prepared by the MBKM Team which has been translated by the USDI Team into an Information System to facilitate the implementation of the MBKM program that was socialized this time. In addition to the MBKM program from the Ministry, there is also an independent program from Unud which is expected to be validated by the Ministry so as to optimize the number of students participating in the MBKM program. There have been many students who have participated but many have died in the middle of the road, so it is necessary to have the same perception through this activity. The system developed to be observed together. Through this activity, the MBKM Coordinator and the USDI Team will provide an understanding.

The material presented in the socialization was the SOP for the Implementation of MBKM Activities at Udayana University by Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana as Coordinator of MBKM Unud and MBKM Management Information System by I Putu Gede Hendra Suputra, S.Kom., M.Kom from USDI and as moderator Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si, Apt., M.Sc. In the material presented data collection on the MBKM program and the technical side as well as the flow through which students who will take part in the MBKM program through SIM MBKM. This socialization can also be watched again on the UdayanaTV youtube account.