Improving Achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU), Udayana University Holds Tracer Study Socialization in 2022

Udayana University through the Student Affairs Bureau held a Socialization of the 2022 Tracer Study which took place in a hybrid combination online through the Cisco Webex application and offline at the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (23/2/2022). The socialization was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and was attended by the Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Information, the Study Programs Coordinator, the USDI and UPIKS Teams.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Udayana University Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU in his speech conveyed that the implementation of this tracer study was related to the performance contract, namely IKU 1 regarding the response rate and its relation to the number of graduates who worked less than six months, continued their education and were entrepreneurs. This activity is to equalize the perception of all components both at the university level which is coordinated by the Career and Alumni Development Units and faculties coordinated by the Vice Dean III and Study Programs Coordinator. This is also very much needed in the accreditation process, where we must be ready whenever data is requested so that it must be sustainable. For that, let's move together because the fulfillment of this KPI is a shared responsibility. Through this opportunity, we will share perceptions regarding the questionnaire so that later the system will be one at the central level. It is hoped that the response rate will reach 75 percent, for this reason, the cooperation of all parties is very much needed. This IKU will also become a university level league in accordance with the Rector's policy. Let's work together so that what is targeted by the Ministry can be fulfilled. It is hoped that it will enter the top 10 both in Simkatmawa, the IKU league and others. The role of the coordinator of study programs, the role of academic supervisors and final project supervisors is expected to be able to encourage alumni to fill out tracer study questionnaires. The Career Development Unit and Alumni will assist in the implementation of this tracer study.

Materials related to the Tracer Study of Udayana University in 2022 were delivered by the Head of the Career and Alumni Development Unit, Dr. Kadek Dwita Apriani, S.Sos., MIP with the Secretary of the Career and Alumni Development Unit. In the material, it is explained that the tracer study for graduates in 2022 is carried out on graduates in 2021. In one year, it will be carried out in two waves of tracer graduates based on the graduation period. Constraints in the graduate tracer include not integrating data, measuring instrument questionnaires that are still diverse and not in accordance with the new regulations, low alumni response rates and alumni complaints that have to fill out the tracer many times for one tracer period. Some of the solutions offered include centralized tracers, standardization of questionnaires, uniformity of questionnaire filling periods, Study Programs and Faculties do not need to organize independent tracers but help optimize the response rate of alumni and data on graduate tracer results per implementation period will be given to each faculty. The material also explains the graduate tracer questionnaire and discussions to get inputs.