Strategy to Pass IISMA 2022, International Affairs Office of Udayana University Holds IISMA 2022 Socialization

The International Affairs Office (KUI) of Udayana University held an online socialization of the 2022 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) through the Zoom Meeting application, Friday (18/02/2022). The activity which took the topic of "IISMA 2022 Escape Strategy" presented speakers including Dr. Eng. Ir. R. Rachmat A. Sriwijaya, S.T., M.T., D.Eng., IPM., ASEAN Eng. as the Chair of the IISMA Program, Ayu Bintang Rena Sanjiwani Budhiarta and Laura Putri who are the IISMA 2021 Awardees at Udayana University with Dr. Eng Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, S.T., M.T., M.Eng as moderator.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara on this occasion said that in 2021 as many as 14 students from 18 IISMA applicants who graduated were scattered in partner universities abroad to attend lectures for 1 semester. The Rector targets that by 2022 as many as 200 Udayana University students will join the IISMA program. This socialization activity is very important for students to know more about the IISMA program.

Furthermore, the Rector also conveyed his congratulations and success to students who have participated in the IISMA 2021 program to stay connected with their supervisors when they have a target to continue their higher education at the University. And for students who are interested in the IISMA program, prepare as well as possible, "the requirements to join the IISMA program are not so difficult to follow," said the Rector.