Udayana University Student Executive Board (BEM) Officially Inaugurated

The inaguration ceremony of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Udayana University BEM and its functionaries in 2022 was held in the Agro Complex Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. Friday (18/2/2022). The inauguration and inauguration of the BEM was attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, the Vice Deans for Student Affairs, the Chair and Secretary of the Student Organization Development Unit (Ormawa), the Chair and Vice Chairperson of the Udayana University DPM.

The event began with the reading of the oath of Appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Coordinator of the Student Executive Board for the 2022 period which was read by the Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU. Furthermore, the signing of the minutes of the Oath and Inauguration was carried out symbolically by the Chair and Vice Chair of the BEM with the Rector of Udayana University.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech expressed his gratitude to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and all staff from the Student Affairs Bureau for overseeing the process, so that the degradation of leadership at the student level can take place as expected and the inauguration can be carried out properly. Congratulations were also given to the Chair and Vice BEM for the 2022 period and their staff. The new BEM leadership is expected to be trusted to lead and bring student organizations, so that the name of Udayana University will be better in the future. Through the leadership of the 2022 BEM, it is hoped that the process of student activities in the future can be carried out better. Previously, the Chairperson of the DPM had also been appointed, which is expected in the future BEM and DPM can work together to advance the academic community of Udayana University whose main task is the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

There are still many things that need to be improved in the future which are not only the concern of Unud leaders including lecturers and employees, but togetherness with students is also expected to help achieve our main goals as an educational institution. In the 2020-2024 Unud strategic plan, it is clearly stated that the implementation of education is to obtain superior human resources with innovative products. For this reason, it is hoped that students can contribute in running Udayana University in a better direction, so that Unud is not left behind with other universities.

In addition, it was also conveyed, in the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) student participation is urgently needed, at the MBKM there is a performance contract between the Chancellor of Higher Education in this case Udayana University and the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, Technology, Higher Education, which concerns programs in the field of student affairs. In the performance contract it is clearly stated that the number of students who will participate in MBKM is at least 30 percent of the total number of students, and Unud's achievements so far are only 20 percent. This can be realized, so that performance contracts that have not been achieved in the previous year can be realized in 2022.