Udayana University holds Assistance Skills Training and Investigation Interview and Forensic Consultation

Medical Faculty Psychology Study Program of Udayana University collaborated with the Student Affairs Bureau to hold mentoring skills training and investigative interviews and forensic consultations at the Laboratory Room of the Psychology Study Program, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (7/2/2022). The training was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University and was attended by 13 participants who are Psychology Lecturers of the Unud Medical Faculty. The resource persons in the training were Dra. Reni Kusumawardhani., M.Psi., Psychologist., Victimologist from RSUD Cilacap.

Study Program Coordinator of Psychology Dr. Ni Made Swasti Wulanyani, S.Psi.,M.Erg in her report said that the training was carried out regarding involvement in the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence and Bullying, in order to increase the knowledge and skills of fellow psychologists who will be directly involved once assigned to handle these cases. His party considered that this was not an ordinary counseling case, so it was necessary to consult and get guidance, and coincidentally the resource person who attended was the Chair of the Indonesian Forensic Psychology Association. Seeing the tasks in the Task Force, it is deemed necessary to carry out this training to add insight and skills. This training takes place offline because skills really require direct interaction and there are 13 psychologists who will take part in this training.

While the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU in his direction said that we must be vigilant in the midst of the spread of omicron but there is no need to panic. His party appreciated what was initiated by the Study Program who happened to be involved in the PPKS Task Force Team and would accompany the Task Force. This is a follow-up to the Permendikbud related to the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) and at Unud itself there is a Rector's Regulation as its implementation. To deal with some of the existing cases, a temporary Task Force was also formed. Of course, the role of psychologists is highly expected in providing assistance to victims and perpetrators. Participants who take part in this training will also accompany them because some are part of the Counseling Unit for Student Affairs. In the future, it will not only handle students but its scope can be wider. In addition, the team must also be in charge of the legal and judicial fields in carrying out their duties. The Vice Rector hopes that participants can gain as much knowledge as possible from the speakers present and through this opportunity also give appreciation to all parties involved in this training.

Resource person Dra. Reni Kusumawardhani., M.Psi., Psychologist., Victimologist on the occasion said that it is necessary to update standards so that in the training there will be more discussions and sharing of handling in other campuses. The hope is that we have standards in providing services because they are related to problems that can lead to legal repercussions. If it comes to the realm of law, we must know what can and cannot be done in the process of assisting both victims and perpetrators. This activity can be a moment to learn together because there will be new things to be discussed. There are several cases handling carried out in various campuses but are included in the realm of handling by the Task Force. Together, we discuss and compare what has been done so that it can be considered, then imitated and added to the local wisdom that exists in the campus environment. The events and impacts that occur vary, including the anatomy of the case, so that it is necessary to identify them so that they can provide appropriate assessments and interventions without disturbing the ongoing legal process.