Presenting the CEO of Dicoding Indonesia and MojadiApp, Udayana University Holds Entrepreneurship Public Lecture in 2022

The Entrepreneurship Development Unit of Udayana University held the 2022 Entrepreneurship Public Lecture online through the Cisco Webex application, Saturday (29/1/2022).

Head of the Udayana University Entrepreneurship Development Unit, Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si.,Apt., M.Si said that this was the first activity of the Entrepreneurship Development Unit in 2022. As in previous years, it started with a public lecture to provide an overview to students and supervisors about entrepreneurship. Let's be part of the country's goal to develop more entrepreneurs in this nation. This year, the main theme is "Entrepreneurial Students towards the Digital Era" where like it or not we are already faced with the renewal that digital technology is a part of everyday life. In this Public Lecture, he invited two resource persons who are closely related to digital technology.

The Head of the Unit hopes that what the speakers convey can provide a new understanding to see opportunities to become entrepreneurs and make it easier for supervisors to direct their students. There were 1,146 registered participants from Unud and 105 people from several other universities. He also hopes that this virtual space can be a medium for learning together.

The first moderator in the public lecture was Dr. apt. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara Putra, S.Farm.,M.Sc. with Resource Person Narenda Wicaksono CEO Coding with Digital Entrepreneurship Material, then the second moderator Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, MP with resource person Damy Nugraha with material on Build Your Start-up Now & Winning The Opportunities.

Some of the materials presented included Tips on building a Startup Based on Digital Tech, how to start entrepreneurship and how to see opportunities.