Udayana University Releases 382 Students for Real Job Lecture

Udayana University through the Institute for Research and Community Service held the release of KKN PPM students for the XXIV Period, Thursday (27/1/2022).

The ceremony was attended by the Rector, Vice Rectors, Deans and Director of Postgraduate, Head of Institutions, Head of SPI, USDI, Heads of Bureaus, Chair and Secretary of LPPM, Chair of KKN, Korkab and DPL KKN XXIV 2022 and the Village Head of Jimbaran.

Head of LPPM Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si in his speech said, KKN is an intracurricular subject that must be taken before students complete their education at Udayana University. The implementation of KKN is implemented as community service with the method of providing learning and working experiences to students in community empowerment activities. KKN PPM/KKN T is a derivative of the MBKM program, namely learning outside the Merdeka Campus which provides challenges and opportunities for developing creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as developing independence in seeking and finding knowledge through realities and field dynamics. Community service, including Community Service, is a higher education social responsibility to society at large and needs to be seen as a just and sustainable responsibility. LPPM Unud in this case has played a lot in the form of activities related to empowerment to advance the community.

The implementation of Community Service Program in the Village will start on January 29 until March 4, 2022, with a total of 382 KKN students from 13 faculties. The location of the XXIV KKN period is spread across 22 villages in Denpasar City and Badung Regency, involving 22 supervisors. The implementation of this KKN activity is expected to run smoothly and bring as much benefit as possible to all parties.

While the Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU. conveyed that in the implementation of this KKN students were expected to continue to follow the health protocol wherever they were. It is hoped that the KKN which will take place in a hybrid way will be held for the last time in 2022. For the KKN participants in July 2022, it is hoped that they will be able to go directly to villages like the previous implementation. The Rector also thanked the Bali Provincial Government, City Regency Government, and Regency Government which in this case through the Lurah and Village Heads had accepted the presence of Udayana University students to help the community in their respective villages.

In accordance with the Rector circular, the implementation of the upcoming semester lectures will begin on February 22, 2022, which is expected to be carried out offline while still implementing the Health protocol. In connection with Independent Learning, the Independent Campus has designed KKN called Thematic KKN and Regular KKN. The target of the Thematic KKN is that the KKN participants are also participants of the Merdeka Learning Campus Independent Program (MBKM) which is held in one semester and given 20 credits, while the Regular KKN is carried out for 42 days and is given 3 credits. The Chancellor hopes that in the future the thematic KKN can be launched without any problems, both by students and organizers, and can be carried out in 2022.

LPPM in this regard has made a major contribution to the achievement of the eight Main Performance Indicators (KPI) of state universities which are closely related to MBKM. In addition, the Rector also hopes that these KKN participants can become the foundation of community expectations and can optimize or devote themselves together, so that the presence of students in the village can be enjoyed not only by village officials but also by all levels of society in the village.