Udayana University Opens Opportunities for Students with National and International Achievements Accepted through the 'Special Path'

Rector Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara immediately formed a special team to recruit outstanding students at both national and international levels to enter Udayana University. In an effort to increase the number of outstanding students at Udayana University, a coordination meeting was held for the recruitment of prospective students with outstanding achievements at Udayana University in 2022 at the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Monday (24/1/2022).

Recruitment of outstanding students to be accepted at Udayana University is the Rector's policy in an effort to increase the number of outstanding students in order to achieve university performance, especially in improving the Main Performance Indicators (IKU).

The recruitment process will be carried out by forming a team that involves various elements of stakeholders at Udayana University, in addition to involving the Student Activity Unit (UKM) at Udayana University. Selected outstanding students will also have the opportunity to get scholarships.