Two Candidates for the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University Take Fit and Proper Test by the Rector and the Vice Rectors

Jimbaran - Wednesday (12/22/2021) at the Language Room of the Rectorate Building, a Feasibility Test for Dean Candidates for the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University was conducted by the Rector and Vice Rectors. Two Candidates for the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, namely Dr. I Wayan Suardana, SST.Par.,M.Par and Dr. I Gusti Putu Bagus Sasrawan Mananda, SST.Par.,MM.,M.Par.

The Fit and Proper test for Dean candidates begins with directions from the Rector regarding technical implementation, where each Candidate and Team is given the opportunity to deliver presentations.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara on this occasion expressed his appreciation to the two candidates who were present to discuss the leadership relay at the Faculty of Tourism Unud. This activity is a follow-up from the Rector regarding a letter from the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism regarding the results of the screening at the Faculty level, where there are two candidates and in terms of the required documents are complete.

In this activity, each candidate was given the opportunity to explain his vision, mission and work program on how to lead the Faculty of Tourism in the next 4 years. Besides that, the program is also compatible with the program from the Rectorate, because the faculty is a unit of the university so that the program must be in line.

Technically, each candidate made a presentation and then carried out a more in-depth discussion with the University Leaders which each Vice Dean Candidate could also respond to in providing ideas and input. The Rector hopes that through this activity, there will be prospective leaders who are committed to advancing the institution.