Udayana University Collaborates with Online Media Association SMSI and AMSI

Udayana University cooperates with media associations through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the SMSI and AMSI media associations coupled with a Media Gathering held at the Postgraduate Hall of Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (17/12/2021).

Media gathering is a form of openness in Unud's public information to the media in Bali related to the program of activities carried out. This Media Gathering was also carried out by implementing strict health protocols.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika representing the Rector of Unud on the occasion said that the media are friends of Unud to convey information on various activities carried out by Unud.

Regarding the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the media association of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Union (SMSI) and the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Alliance (AMSI) is Unud's implementation of information disclosure to the public. This activity also confirms Unud's commitment to open the widest possible information to the public.

Unud has just received the highest ranking award in Public Information Disclosure as an Informative Public Agency. Through this information disclosure, Prof. Adiatmika hopes that the public can judge that Unud is transparent, effective, efficient, accountable and responsible. Unud's synergy with the media as well as Unud's commitment to participate in development in the community.

The chairman of SMSI Bali, Eduardus Emanuel Dewata Oja welcomed Unud's move to collaborate with media associations. It is said, in fact universities and the media have the same goal of educating the nation

Higher education institutions have the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, while journalists have three holy books, namely Law Number 40 concerning the Press, Journalistic Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct. Campus is an academic center, journalists also need additional academic or new knowledge.

"Honestly, we say, there are indeed some journalists who cannot write well. For that in the future we should be more complementary. This momentum is mutually complementary," he added.

Meanwhile, Secretary of AMSI Bali, Putu Suyatra hopes that through this collaboration, they will get the same benefits. The media also has an obligation to provide good and correct information and educate the public.

Through this collaboration, the public will know about Unud's activities through the information conveyed by the media. Because the media convey information in simple language that is easy to understand. As we know the level of understanding of the community is different so that the media informs in a simple and easy way for the public to understand.

Through the implementation of the Media Gathering, the Unud party through the Spokesperson Team wanted to explore inputs and expectations from the media for Udayana University. In the discussion, input was also obtained that Unud must open the widest access to the media for a balance of information in the community.