The Release of Candidates for Graduates of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University 110th Period

The 110th period of the Release of Candidates for Graduates of the Tourism Faculty of Udayana University will be held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, in the Hall of the HL Building, Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran. The release of the Graduate Candidates this time was carried out in a "Hybrid" (face to face and "online") manner. The location of the activity is centered on the location of the main point in the Hall of the HL Building, Faculty of Tourism, Udayana Bukit Jimbaran University and online through their respective homes, while still implementing the Covid-19 Health Protocol.

Several agenda items were held today starting with the opening by the Chair of the Senate of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University through the Open Senate Session, reports Plt. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, awarding the fastest graduates, remarks from representatives of participants releasing prospective graduates, remarks from the Dean, and closing of the Open Senate Session of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University.

This event was attended by the Dean, Vice Deans, Chair of the Senate, Study Program Coordinators within the Faculty of Tourism, and of course attended mainly by the Participants of the Release of Candidates for Graduates. This activity begins with the Opening Dance "Sekar Jagat". Then, it was continued with the opening of the Open Senate session of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, opened by the Chair of the Senate, Drs. I Nyoman Jamin Ariana, M.Par.

In this activity, Plt. Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. I Nyoman Sukma Arida, S.Si., M.Sc. in his report said that, the number of participants for this release was 26 people with details, Doctoral Study Program (S3) Tourism: 2 people (8%), Master Study Program (S2) Tourism: 2 people (8), Tourism Study Program Undergraduate Program : 6 people (23), Travel Industry Bachelor Study Program: 4 people (15%), and Applied Hospitality Management Study Program: 12 people (46%). Thus, the number of alumni of the Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University to date is recorded at: 2,397 people. In addition, he said that the prospective graduates who were released today had completed their study assignments as students at the Faculty of Tourism. This period is the last period, for the current leadership and three months from now there will be a new leader. We pray that in the future the Faculty of Tourism will be more successful. We would like to thank the organizers for their hard work so far, so that this event can run smoothly.

The awarding of the fastest graduates and the Grade Point Average (GPA) was very satisfyingly achieved by Siti Fatimatus Zahro, S.Par. NIM: 1711511055 (Bachelor's Degree Tourism Study Program), GPA: 3.78, and at the same time giving the impression and message as the fastest graduate by stating that, at the first time as a new student and today, evidence of the twists and turns of our educational process and experience has been going great and we meet again in the release event. There are no results without a process, and we express our gratitude to all the deans who have guided us to gain knowledge, so that they can lead us to complete our studies. This is not the end of the struggle but the beginning of a struggle ahead to build a career.

Furthermore, at the end of the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Sunarta, M.Sc. in his speech stated that, this time the Dean Team was the last time to release prospective graduates. The release of the next period is released by the new dean. We would like to thank the lecturers and staff for their cooperation while carrying out their duties at the Faculty of Tourism. At the end of this month, the Faculty of Tourism has been visited by 6 (six) agencies from outside Bali. Bachelor of Tourism graduates are a source of pride because Bachelor of Tourism is very likely to be needed and even recruited by provincial and district governments throughout Indonesia. In addition, S1 graduates are expected to continue to a higher level S2. Most importantly, tourism graduates can demonstrate competence wherever they are, can take part in all lines and be able to make the alma mater of the Faculty of Tourism Udayana University proud.