English Literature Study Program FIB Unud Performs Community Service in the form of Teaching English at SMAN 8 Mataram
As the implementation of one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service, the Coordinator of the English Literature Study Program, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum along with 12 Lecturers of the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University carried out community service in the form of teaching English at State High School 8 Mataram Lombok on 15-17 November 2021 which was attended by 60 class students XI.
Principal of SMAN 8 Mataram Hj. Suprapti, S.Pd., M.Pd. directly received the service team and welcomed this service activity.
The learning material provided is teaching English, especially for tourism (English for Tourism and Hospitality Industry) which aims to develop the abilities that students already have so that they can optimally know and take advantage of their strengths and overcome their weaknesses in relation to knowledge and insight. background in their knowledge.
The chairman of the activity committee, Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M.Hum said that teaching English for tourism is very much needed to be mastered by students considering that Lombok is projected to become Indonesia's second Bali through the development of its tourism area.
Plus, currently in West Nusa Tenggara, especially Lombok, the construction of world-class tourism facilities such as the Mandalika circuit, the need for English language skills for human resources is very important. Therefore, Community Service Activities by providing English language teaching, especially in the field of tourism, are very appropriate and useful to improve and develop the abilities of students who later become human resources who will develop their respective regions.