Udayana University Receives Benchmarking Visit from Police College (STIK)

Udayana University received a visit from the Police Science College (STIK) chaired by the Deputy Head of Academic Affairs Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Asep Adisaputra, SIK, SH, MH, M.Si, Thursday (4/11/2021). The visit for the purpose of comparative study/benchmarking was received by the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Information together with the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance at Udayana University in the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building. The purpose of this comparative study/benchmarking to Unud is to find out the process of implementing Institutional Accreditation. Also present from Unud were the Head of BAKH, Head of the General Bureau, Secretary of LP3M, USDI Representatives, Unud Spokesperson and Team from the Faculty of Law Unud.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika representing the Rector of Unud in his speech expressed his gratitude to STIK for choosing Unud as the institution for implementing benchmarking. In this meeting, Udayana University presented several teams in accordance with the fields that STIK hoped to obtain input in the implementation of STIK. Through this meeting, it is hoped that it will provide clarity in accordance with the points addressed by the STIK Team.

While the Vice Chair of the Academic Affairs of STIK Brigadier General Pol Dr. Asep Adisaputra in this meeting introduced STIK which was previously known as the Police Science College. In the implementation of benchmarking, 3 places that are considered feasible as the destination of comparative studies are chosen to gain knowledge and experience from these universities. The benchmarking was first to IPB, and then this time to Unud, and after from Unud, the purpose of the next comparative study was to the University of Indonesia. The implementation of benchmarking is a golden opportunity to be able to learn because the targeted university already has many achievements. In the academic world in managing the learning process, the dynamics is quite high, there are many changes that still have to be adapted to the changing times. The Vice Chairman hopes that more benefits will be obtained from benchmarking for the development of STIK in the future.

The purpose of this benchmarking in general is to add insight in the hope that many things can be obtained from Udayana University, and in particular there are several things that are being developed in the academic field by STIK. In addition, there are also demands from BAN-PT and this is also a target for learning which ends in how to build higher quality standards. Some of the points that will be explored include Organizational Structure and Work Procedures, the relationship between working procedures between Satkers, curriculum, self-evaluation reports, and internal quality assurance systems. STIK itself is an official institution but is subject to the regulations of the Minister of Education and Technology, so that all its activities refer to the Ministerial Regulation related to higher education so that it must always adjust. Through this opportunity, the Vice Chair for Academic Affairs of STIK also briefly explained the history and profile of STIK and hoped to obtain enlightenment that could be used as a reference in designing the tasks and responsibilities in the academic field at STIK in the future.

During the meeting, there was also a presentation of material by the Vice Rector for General and Finance of Unud, the Head of BAKH, the Secretary of LP3M, and the team from the Faculty of Law, which was followed by a discussion session.