LPPM Unud Business Incubator Holds Galungan and Kuningan Exhibition and Bazzar

In welcoming Galungan and Kuningan Days in November 2021, the Business Incubator (Inbis) of LPPM Udayana University held an exhibition and bazzar which took place in the Agro yard of the Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. This bazzar was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng, IPU., and also present on this occasion Vice Rectors, Representatives from the Bali Provincial Industry Service, Deans, Post Directors, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions, Head of BPU, Head of Inbis Unud, Unit Student Entrepreneurship, Representatives of the Bali Business Incubator, Chairman of APRINDO, Chair and Members of the Unud DWP, and other invitees. Wednesday, (3/11/2021).

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si on this occasion said that the activity carried out carried the theme "Bazzar Galungan and Kuningan Business Incubator of LPPM Udayana University: Synergy of Product Development of Innovation Products of Udayana University with MSMEs/IKM Bali". There were 45 tenants who participated in the exhibition, which consisted of lecturer innovation products, tenants fostered by Inbis Udayana, entrepreneurial student programs, and MSME products. In addition to the bazzar, this event was also filled with door prizes for visitors and a talk show inviting the Bali Provincial Industry Service and APRINDO (Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association).

The chairman of the Unud LPPM really appreciates this activity and thanks the chairman of the Unud business incubator and hopes that the implementation of this innovation exhibition can run smoothly and bring the greatest benefits. He also hopes that this event can be a media for promoting innovation products for lecturers and Unud students to show the advantages of their respective products.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara expressed his appreciation and expressed his gratitude to the Unud Business Incubator for holding this bazzar event and the speakers who will fill the talkshow session later. The Rector of Unud hopes that this bazaar activity can also be carried out in the future in a sustainable manner such as before Kuningan and before the end of the year which is intended not only for the Udayana University academic community but also for the general public who are near the Unud campus.

The exhibition and bazaar, which is held from 09.00 to 16.00 local time, provides a variety of products, ranging from basic necessities, food trucks, holiday necessities, handicrafts, kamen, kebaya, and others. Although it has a simple concept, this event is expected to give a warm impression to the community in shopping for holiday needs at low prices and in line with one of the objectives of this activity, which is to bring Udayana University closer to the community.