Unud Student Bureau Holds Workshop on Drafting Rector's Regulations on Bullying, Sexual Violence, Green Campus, and Wisdom in Social Media

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University held a workshop "Developing the Chancellor's Regulation on Bullying, Sexual Violence, Green Campus, and Wisdom in Social Media at Udayana University, located at the Stones Hotel Kuta, Tuesday (02/11/2021).

The workshop was attended by the Udayana University Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Undiksha Vice Rector, Mahasaraswati University Vice Rector, Undiknas Vice Rector, Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Vice Deans for Student Affairs at Udayana University, and the USCC Chair.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana said that previously on October 18-19, a workshop on the Preparation of the Participation Credit Unit Manual and the Preparation of a Handbook for Awarding the Achievement of Udayana University Students was held. Workshops that have been held previously and also held today are very important as one of the fulfillment of needs in the Student Rating Management Information System (SIMKATMAWA). On this occasion, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs would like to thank the resource persons who are willing to take the time to share and provide input to our team, so that they can produce more perfect Rector's policies.

This workshop presented three resource persons, namely Dr. Dipl. Pysch. Ratna Djuwita, Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia with material on Bullying in Higher Education, Dianaesthika Zoya Amirin, M.Psi., FIAS as Sexual Practitioner with material on Risks and Problem Solving Sexual Violence in Campus Life, and Ida Bagus Made Sutresna as Head Partnership and Public Communication Resources Section with material related to Wise in Social Media.