Udayana University Holds Aanwijzing Selection of State-Owned Goods Build-to-Transfer Partners

Udayana University held Aanwijzing (explanation) Selection of State-Owned Property Build-Use-Owned (BGS) Partners for the construction of Student Dormitory and supporting facilities to prospective partners in accordance with the announcement that had been submitted through the mass media previously located in the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Monday (1/11/2021).

Aanwijzing was attended by the Rector of Unud, Head of Bureau, PPK, Director of BPU, Coordinator of BMN and related ranks as well as one prospective partner from PT Waskita Karya Realty. There are three potential partners who have filled out the registration form and taken the BGS BMN Partner Selection Document.

PPK Construction Dr. Ir. Lie Jasa, MT said that the tender process was running according to the applicable rules, where the documents had been uploaded on the Unud Web (bmn.unud.ac.id) and the potential partners would have known about it.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his direction conveyed his gratitude because the partner selection process had gone according to expectations and the specified schedule. In accordance with the current schedule, Unud wants to provide explanations to potential partners and if necessary or possible for field reviews. Through this explanation, it is expected to find a common perception so that there are no problems and the next process can be completed according to the schedule. The Rector also expressed his appreciation to the BGS Partner Selection Team and the leadership will provide support so that the related process can run well and smoothly and by prioritizing legality.

The explanation regarding the selection of BGS Partners was conveyed by the BMN Coordinator I Dewa Made Ary Swanjaya that one of the points contained in the selection document where in providing an explanation must be explained to the participants regarding the terms of reference, partner selection methods, how to submit bids, documents that must be attached to the document bids, evaluation methods, matters that invalidate bids, forms of cooperation agreements, as well as the amount, validity period and parties who can issue bid guarantees.