LABMANIA Goes to University "Technique for Making SOP & IK in Laboratory in Educational Institutions According to International Standards"

Udayana University through the HR Department in collaboration with LABMANIA held Technical Guidance "Techniques for Making SOP & IK in Laboratories at Educational Institutions According to International Standards" located in the Bangsa Room, Unud Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Thursday (28/10/2021). This activity was followed by PLP (Education Laboratory Institutions) within the Unud and Bali State Polytechnic.

The technical guidance was opened by the Head of the General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati SE., MM representing the Vice Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance at Unud. In his speech, the Head of the General Bureau said that PLP is very routine in carrying out Bimtek. Through Bimtek, it is expected to gain a deeper understanding of certification through LABMANIA, considering that PLP is also one of the spearheads of service at the faculty level. The Head of the Bureau expressed his appreciation to LABMANIA for sharing knowledge with PLP and Laboratory Assistants at Unud.

The resource person in Bimtek is Ivan Sarifudin from LABMANIA who in his material conveyed the training objectives, namely the participants knew the document hierarchy in the laboratory, knew the difference between SOP and IK, knew the attributes/elements in SOP and IK and how to prepare documents. LABMANIA now also serves Laboratory Assistant certification. The scope of the material presented includes the document hierarchy, how to prepare SOPs, how to prepare IK and case studies. The benefits that can be obtained are improving laboratory governance, preparation of BNSP certification for personnel and preparation of laboratory accreditation and certification.