Rector of Unud Attends Kerthi Bali Economic Book Launch Building a New Era of Bali

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara attended the launch of the Kerthi Bali Economic Book Building a New Era of Bali by the Governor of Bali Wayan Koster at the Ksirarnawa Art Center Building, Denpasar, Wednesday (20/10/2021).

Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Damriyasa, M.S. as the Event Coordinator on this occasion said that there are two aspects of Kerthi Bali's Economic Book Building a New Era of Bali, namely the scientific aspect and the development planning aspect. Of course, the formulation of Kerthi Bali's Economic Book Building a New Era of Bali as outlined in this reference book can be a reference and guide for regional development in regencies and cities throughout Bali and can also be adopted by other regions according to the potential of their respective regions.

Governor of Bali Wayan Koster in his presentation said that the concept of Kerthi Bali Economy as outlined in this book was extracted from local Balinese wisdom. Fundamentally and comprehensively, the development of Bali is rooted in the philosophical values ​​of Sad Kerthi's local wisdom, namely Atma Kerthi (Purification of the Soul), Segara Kerthi (Sea Purification), Danu Kerthi (Source of Water Purification), Wana Kerthi (Plant Purification), Jana Kerthi (Human Purification), and Jagat Kerthi (Universe Purification).

The Kerthi Bali economy is a comprehensive economic development concept in order to strengthen the structure and fundamentals of the Balinese program that is harmonious with nature based on local resources, maintaining local wisdom, green, environmentally friendly, quality, growing value, resilient, competitive, and sustainable.

The Minister of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia as well as the Head of BAPPENAS Dr. (H.C.) H. Suharso Monoarfa in his speech said that the Province of Bali is the only one directly supervised by BAPPENAS in the context of Economic Transformation. The Minister greatly appreciates the extraordinary Governor of Bali who has written this book on the Economy of Kerthi Bali which is based on the extraordinary wealth that Bali has.