BKKBN Collaborates with Udayana University to Participate in Handling Stunting

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information received a visit from the Deputy for Training, Research and Development of the BKKBN Prof. dr. Muhammad Rizal Martua Damanik, M.ReproSc, Ph.D and the staff who were accompanied by the Head of the Bali Province BKKBN Representative at the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Tuesday (19/10/2021).

In the hearing, the Deputy said that the BKKBN was appointed as the coordinator for the acceleration of stunting reduction implementation. The stunting problem has been around for a long time but the decline is slow. So the BKKBN created the program "100 Professors Talking Stunting". This program does not only involve health study programs, so it is multi-sectoral. Many factors affect nutritional needs that are not met so that not only nutritionists but also economists are needed. The BKKBN has also formed a family companion team consisting of three elements, namely the Midwife, the PKK Mobilizing Team and the Extension Team. The team has been trained to understand what is being faced. The Deputy hopes that Universities as strategic partners can participate in socializing it. Universities are also expected to be partners in the training programs designed. The BKKBN also has an MoU with the Indonesian Chancellor's Forum and intensive discussions have been held on how to have an independent campus as a strategic step by carrying out activities such as handling stunting as a student choice. The deputy hoped that the participation of students in villages in handling stunting reduction through KKN.

The BKKBN will also carry out a synergistic program to restore the post-pandemic situation and revive the Balinese economy. We want to participate to contribute to the awakening by creating an international event in collaboration with BKKBN, Unud and partners abroad, where Unud is expected to be the host.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud on the occasion explained the collaboration between Unud and the Regional Government in the implementation of Community Service Program to assist villages and research collaborations. The Rector is committed to collaborating in handling stunting reduction. The Rector hopes that BKKBN will be more cooperative with Unud, where so far there has been cooperation with LPPM. It is also hoped that the BKKBN can facilitate a map of stunting areas that can be targeted by KKN students.