UPT Library of Udayana University Receives a Visit from the Jakarta Language Development and Development Agency

The UPT Library of Udayana University received a visit from the Language Development and Development Agency, Jakarta at the Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Monday, October 18, 2021. The team from the Language Agency was received directly by the Head of the UPT Library, Dr. Unud. Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari, S, Hum., M. Hum. with staff in the local library circulation department. The purpose of the visit is in the context of a cooperation program to digitize literary works and other related documents.

The Head of Udayana University Library UPT, Dr. Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari, S, Hum., M. Hum. welcomes the arrival of researchers from the Language Development and Development Agency and states that this is a real example of action in the field of cooperation that can strengthen inter-institutional relations and of course this activity of digitizing literary works can be used for the advancement of education.

Literary Development Expertise and Professional Services Group (KKLP) represented by Ninawati Syahrul, M.Pd. stated that the need for a database of literary works, especially literary works of the 60-70s generation because in that year there was social turmoil in society that also colored Indonesian literary activities and works. At that time, works of art, especially literature and writers, were included in political propaganda activities.

The data that will be digitized with a scan system will later be distributed to the library so that it can also be useful for researchers, students, and the wider community.