Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI) Held 10 Years Celebration

The 10th Anniversary of the Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI) which was held online through the Zoom Meeting application, Monday (11/10/2021). Udayana University Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P. attend this activity. The series of peak events for the 10th Anniversary of NUNI was the Napak Tilas "For Indonesian Diversity and Unity" where the University of Surabaya was the organizer of the event and continued with the 2021 NUNI Annual Meeting.

Rector of the University of Surabaya Dr. Ir. Benny Lianto M.M.B.A.T in his speech said that for 10 years, NUNI has carried out various activities and programs. On this occasion, the UBAYA Rector expressed his gratitude to the 21 Universities that are members of NUNI who have collaborated to hold various joint programs, so that NUNI's work can continue to develop in the future.

Meanwhile, the Director of BINUS Global University Diah Wihardini, Ph.D as the representative of the NUNI Secretariat said that in a series of 10 years of NUNI celebrations, the NUNI Secretariat and NUNI Members formed a Birthday Committee consisting of BINUS University, Surabaya University, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Atma Jaya Catholic University. Yogyakarta, and the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Four activities were carried out in this series of celebrations including the "Student Voice Writing for Indonesian Diversity and Unity" Workshop, the Napak Tilas Ceremony Peak Event, the 2021 NUNI Annual Meeting, and the Talkshow "Youth Side for Indonesian Higher Education" as well as 2 other activities held simultaneously by 12 NUNI members. Diah Wihardini, Ph.D hopes that through a series of activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of NUNI, it can strengthen the relationship between NUNI member universities.