Unud Student Bureau Holds Consolidation of PHP2D and P3D

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University held an event for the Strengthening of the Holistic Program for Village Development and Empowerment (PHP2D) and the Village Empowerment Development Program (P3D) for the implementation of the National level servant in 2021 which was carried out online. Monday (11/11/2021), presenting resource person Dr. Ida Bagus Mardana from Ganesha University of Education and and Chair of USCC Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Sc.

Present at this consolidation were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, the Chair of the USCC, the Vice Deans for Student Affairs, Companion Lecturers and the PHP2D and P3D Program Teams, as well as students who were members of ormawa who had been declared qualified to carry out PHP2D and P3D activities.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU congratulates students who have received funding from PHP2D and P3D, and are expected to be able to enter to the next level. Appreciation is also given to the Advisory Lecturers who have nurtured and encouraged students so that they can excel. This mentoring event was carried out based on the results of the socialization that had been carried out by Belmawa previously.

The village empowerment program has proven to be very useful for advancing the village and as a form of implementation of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy. After participating in this activity, students are expected to be able to develop and strengthen sustainable and integrated village development and empowerment through technological and social innovation interventions carried out in work teams.