Udayana University Receives 100 Subscriptions Kompas.id from PT. Great Giant Pineapple

Udayana University symbolically received 100 Kompas.id subscriptions from PT. Great Giant Pineapple which was held online via Zoom Meeting, Thursday (30/09/2021). These 100 Kompas.id subscriptions are given to the Udayana University Academic Community which can be used for 1 year.

Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes in the handover ceremony said that the receipt of 100 Kompas.id subscriptions for the Unud community would be one of the references in understanding the development of the situation in the community and also as a material for study to take further policy actions. Through this 100 donation, Udayana University has the opportunity to obtain information in order to improve digital literacy.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng. IPU. Affirming the existence of this hoax or fake news that should be conveyed or communicated to the public will have implications. The level of public trust will decrease and of course this is very detrimental to various parties. For academics, everything is done based on studies, studies and research that is academically accountable. The Rector hopes that through cooperation between Udayana University and PT. Great Giant Pineapple is an entry point for deeper cooperation in the future.

The Chief Editor of Kompas Daily, Sutta Dharmasaputra, explained the theme “Information Flood, Sorting Hoax and Fake News”, in his review, he stated that the era of information flood is in very poor condition, so we must be careful in dealing with this era. Most of the hoax news spreads to the public through social media where as many as 61.8 percent of the Indonesian population have used social media. According to the Sutta, the simplest way to fight fake news is to not spread the information if you are not sure of the truth.