Universitas Udayana Gelar Media Gathering, Sosialisasikan Kebijakan Pimpinan Universitas

Located in La Prissa Kitchen, Sanur, Udayana University invited the editor-in-chief and journalists from various print media, online media, and audio-visual media to join the Media Gathering, Saturday (25/9/2021).

The media has a very important role as a bridge of information between Udayana University (Unud) and the community (public). As a party supporting activities, the media is a means of publication that has the power to influence public opinion, so that it can support the publication of Unud. To maintain independence and accuracy, the media certainly needs official and complete information from Unud.

Media Gathering between Unud and the media was held as an effort to establish good relations, as well as a means to inform various things about Unud to the public through the media. This is expected to create a mutually beneficial relationship between Unud and the media. This activity is also expected to foster a sense of belonging, where Unud is a public property, so that all information, program activities and achievements can be published quickly, accurately and well to the public.

This Media Gathering became the initial process of the formation of the Unud Communication Forum with the media. Through this opportunity, fellow journalists will be gathered in a WA Group so that they can get closer to Unud. The goal is to make it easier for all information related to Unud to arrive intact and quickly to the media. To support this, Unud will create a special website, which contains various information and activities from the Rector, 13 Faculties, Postgraduate Programs, as well as several Institutions and Work Units within Unud. So, apart from obtaining information and photos from Unud's Facebook and Instagram accounts, media partners can access more information from this special website. The participation of media partners is highly expected to participate in disseminating information about Udayana University.

Also present at this Media Gathering, the Rector of Unud together with the Vice Rectors and Heads of Bureaus and the Chairperson of the Committee for the 59th Anniversary of Unud. Through this opportunity, the Chancellor also introduced a Spokesperson (spokesperson) who had been appointed to facilitate the media in obtaining information related to Unud. Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi, Ph.D. Lecturer of FIB Unud or who is fondly called Senja, was appointed by the Rector as Spokesperson for Unud.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara on this occasion said that through this activity, he would establish and create a communication forum with the media in disseminating information related to Unud. In addition, through this communication forum, the media can also confirm news circulating in the community. This is expected to bring Unud closer to the community, and also the public to obtain up-to-date and accurate information related to Unud.

Through this Media Gathering, there was also socialization of activities carried out in a series of commemorations of the 59th Anniversary of Unud and the policies of university leaders. The Rector also had the opportunity to have discussions with the media who were present regarding the work program and inputs for future university development.