Udayana University Supports Food Security in Kukuh Village Through Catfish Cultivation and Hydroponics

As an effort to support food security in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, Udayana University through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) seeks to empower Kukuh Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency through catfish cultivation (Clarias gariepinus). This effort is packaged in Institutional Service which is also one of the series of the 59th Anniversary of Udayana University, as well as a continuation of the previous period of Real Work Lecture (KKN).

There were 3 (three) main activities carried out on Thursday (23/9), namely socializing catfish farming with the biofloc system, socializing hydroponic farming methods, and feeding animals in Alas Kedaton which is not far from Kukuh Village.

Based on the results of observations through the implementation of KKN, one of the potentials of Kukuh Village that stands out and needs to be developed is idle land that can be empowered by the cultivation of freshwater fish which in this service is in the form of catfish.

This was conveyed by Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suarsana, MSi as the Head of LPPM Unud who then explained that he would implement a biofloc system in his cultivation. In addition, catfish farming is also combined with hydroponic planting methods, which are expected to both function properly and provide maximum results. "So in addition to pure hydroponics, we also try aquaponics which on plants in the form of vegetables, flowers, fruits, and tubers we try to integrate so that nothing is wasted," explained Prof. More atmosphere.

On this occasion LPPM Unud handed over 4 catfish ponds, fish feed and 1 set of hydroponic equipment which was also attended by Village Head I Made Sugianto, LPPM Secretary Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST, M.Sc, Ph.D, Bhabin Kamtibmas, and the Kukuh Village community group.

The Head of the Service Team, Dr. Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro, S.Si, M.Si also explained that the simpler cultivation techniques compared to other fish were also the reason why Unud chose catfish farming to empower Kukuh Village. “It is also easier to find seeds, shorter life span to achieve harvest, and technologies for catfish farming are easy to develop. We try this first to learn, later when we know the knowledge in the field, it will be easier to apply later, "he explained.

Unud's efforts to empower Kutuh Village were enthusiastically welcomed by the villagers. This was conveyed directly by the Perbekel of Kukuh Village, I Made Sugianto who felt very helped by the assistance provided by Unud. Not only during socialization, Unud is also committed to providing assistance until post-harvest by mobilizing academics who are experts in their fields.

"This is a new science for our residents. Our hope in the future is that through the assistance of Unud, we can cultivate properly and post-harvest there will be assistance. So not only ceremonial, but from beginning to end there will be assistance. This makes us happy because we will truly gain knowledge,” said I Made Sugianto.