Bali Provincial Government Launches Balinese Script Keyboard

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Udayana University Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes was also present at the launch of the Balinese script keyboard held by the Bali Provincial Government which was carried out online and offline on Saturday (11/9/2021). This Balinese-style keyboard innovation product is the innovative work of Dr. Cok Rai Adi Paramarta and the team from the Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Unud.

Head of the Department of Youth and Sports Education (Disdikpora) of Bali Province, Dr. KN. Boy Jayawibawa in his report said that the Bali Provincial Government with the vision of Nangun Sat Kerti Loka Bali Through a Planned Universal Development Pattern towards a New Era of Bali, seeks to preserve the Balinese script and foster interest in reading and writing Balinese script as well as transforming it into digital letters along with the advancement of Information and Communication Technology. that is one of them with the manufacture and development of Balinese keyboard keyboards. Where the Creative Ideas from Mr. Wayan Koster were responded or facilitated well by friends from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University and PT Sinar Bali Binakarya permits in realizing the keyboard or keyboard in question. This launching activity was attended by elementary, junior high, high school and vocational high school students spread across nine regencies and cities, which were concentrated in one school in each district. This event was also attended virtually by SMA, State and Private Vocational Schools throughout Bali, totaling 329 schools.

Meanwhile, the Head of Pandi Prof. Yudho Giri Sucahya, Ph.D said that the Indonesian Internet Domain Name Manager was really proud and happy to be a part of the launch of this Balinese script keyboard. This is a big step towards the progress of digitizing Balinese script as well as efforts to preserve the nation's cultural values, especially Balinese Culture. Pandi also contributes to the preservation of culture through the Indonesian Knitting program through the Digitalization of the Archipelago Script, which is supported by the central government, regional governments, international organizations such as UNESCO, and the Anggiat Aksara community. Pandi gave a positive appreciation and will continue to support the registration process for standardization of keyboards, fonts and also transliteration of Balinese script to become a national and international standard. Pandi hopes that all the efforts made together in preserving and developing culture as an ancestral heritage can provide many benefits for our beloved country, Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster, in his speech said that development in Bali with the vision of "Nagun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali" through the development of a universal pattern of planning towards a New Era of Bali, in this vision there are five priority programs, one of which is the customary development program. Balinese customs, traditions, arts and culture, as well as local wisdom, including the existence of Balinese script. Balinese script is the legacy of our ancestors, as the next generation must be able to inherit as well as possible and full of responsibility. This product is expected to be a means or instrument to accelerate or expand network development, bringing students closer to Balinese script with technology. This tool is also a medium to familiarize millennial children so that Balinese script can still exist. Thus, it is hoped that it will strengthen the position of Balinese script not only in Bali but will also become a global current in the future that will be used as a way of communicating with Balinese script.

On this occasion also carried out the symbolic handover of Balinese script keyboards by the Governor of Bali to representatives of elementary, junior high, and special education students. High School, Vocational High School, and University, and demonstrations were held by each school for typing Balinese script with the keyboard.