Bali Rector's Forum Meeting Held Online

The Bali Rector's Forum held an online meeting via Zoom Meeting, Wednesday (8/9/2021), which was attended by the Rector of Unud as the Chair of the Bali Rector Forum, the board of directors and leaders of public and private universities in Bali who are members of the Bali Rector's Forum. This is the first time this has been done since the Covid-19 pandemic. Acting as moderator in this meeting the Rector of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar, Dr. I Made Sukamerta, M.Pd. who is also the Secretary of the Bali Rector's Forum and Chair of the Association of Indonesian Private Universities (APTISI) Bali. This meeting was held in order to discuss some information to get input related to the activities of the Bali Rector's Forum as well as views on the organization and future plans.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU as Chair of the Rector's Forum introduced himself as the newly inaugurated Rector of Unud on August 24, 2021 and conveyed his high commitment to the APTISI organization. The Rector of Unud expects direction and guidance from university leaders who are present regarding this organization to run well. As a mentoring university, Unud is ready to facilitate in improving the quality of human resources for higher education institutions that are members of the Bali Chancellor's Forum.

The discussion discussed information on new student admissions during the pandemic, technical cooperation between universities, the MBKM program and input from each university leader.

The follow-up to this meeting is planned to hold an offline meeting in September in order to discuss AD ART and the MoU of Higher Education as well as the main work program, and Udayana University which will be the host.