Udayana University Receives Assistance for 10 Oxygen Concentrator Units from GoTo

Udayana University received 10 units of Oxygen Concentrator from GoTo, a technology group that houses three large application companies or services, namely Gojek, Tokopedia and GoTo Financial. The handover was held in the Rector's Meeting Room, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (31/8/2021).

Present at the handover of this assistance, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU, Vice Rector for Cooperation and Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes., Director of Unud Hospital Prof. Dr. dr. Dewa Putu Gde Purwa Samatra, Sp.S (K), Head of the Unud Business Management Agency, Dr. Sayu Ketut Sutrisna Dewi, SE., MM., Ak Muhammad Chairil (VP Regional Operations Excellence, Public Policy and Government Relations), and Charly Raya (Heaf of Regional PPGR Gojek East Java Bali Nusra) and their team.

Muhammad Chairil said, GoTo has a program called the rising together program, during the pandemic GoTo contributed nationally by procuring 1000 units of oxygen concentrators to be distributed to various areas in need, and in the distribution in collaboration with the Karya Anak Bangsa Foundation.

Udayana University is the only university that was given the assistance of 10 units of oxygen concentrator which will later be distributed to the Udayana University Hospital. Through help 10 units of this tool is expected to help the existing services in the hospital.

Chairil also hopes that the potential for cooperation that has been well established between the parties will continue to be sustainable. Hopefully this pandemic will end soon and again we can accelerate economic acceleration in terms of micro, MSMEs and community activities in general.

While Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara expressed his gratitude to GoTo's partners who have provided 10 units of oxygen concentrators, which are oxygen generators intended for patients with respiratory problems. Hopefully what is the commitment of GoTo who has collaborated with Udayana University in the future will be even closer. During a pandemic, a tool like this is an indispensable tool for hospitals to help save patients. This tool will be handed over to the Director of the Unud Hospital for further management in providing care for patients.