Vice Rector IV Unud was Present as a Speaker at the Announcement of TOP Public Service Innovations KIPP 2021

The Ministry of PANRB held an announcement of the TOP Public Service Innovation Praiseworthy Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) 2021 which took place boldly and was live streaming on the YouTube Ministry of PANRB and UG TV, Thursday (29/7/2021). The event started with a talkshow that presented several speakers. Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Unud Prof. IB Wyasa Putra became one of the speakers in the talkshow. Other resource persons, namely the Deputy for Public Service of the Ministry of PANRB, Chair of TIRBN Prof. J.B Kristiadi, Rector of Gunadarma University Prof. Dr. ICE. Margianti, SE., MM, Senior Journalist Nurjaman Mochtar and as Host Prof. Dr. Budi Hermana and Dr. Matrissya Hermita.

Deputy for Public Services at the Ministry of PANRB as well as Chair of the 2021 KIPP Secretariat Prof. Dr. Diah Natalisa, MBA said that service innovation is one of the strategies in the context of improving national public services. In 2013 the Ministry of PANRB launched one agency one innovation or better known as one agency one innovation. This program requires each agency to produce at least one innovation every year. This program is expected to be able to create a culture of innovation within the framework of employee reform. Then the PermenPANRB was issued regarding public service innovation, this regulation has been implemented by the Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) since 2014 until now. The aim is to capture, document and disseminate public service innovations. In addition, KIPP is also a means of exchange and learning in order to develop the JIPP (Public Service Innovation Network). KIPP also aims to give appreciation and appreciation to public service providers so that they can motivate them to improve the quality of public services.

throughout the implementation of KIPP, digital-based public service innovations have revealed the top ranks of selected innovations. This is proof that our public sector continues to improve and keep up with the latest developments in the use of information technology in providing services to the community. Innovation is expected to emerge in providing solutions to problems in the field of public services.

Vice Rector IV Unud Prof. IB Wyasa Putra, who is also the Chair of the 2021 KIPP Evaluation Team, said that this competition was very impressive in terms of the involvement of participants from institutional elements, ministries and local governments where there were thousands of proposals to be selected, most of which were innovation proposals from the participants' performance. This is a reflection of the commitment of all participants to oversee this public service, how to bring the state government closer to the community through public services in fulfilling their life needs. The resulting innovation focuses on the needs that develop according to the context of people's lives. KIPP is an extraordinary medium that is used as a means of accelerating and expanding the quality of public services. Those who qualify for this top predicate are participants whose innovation is extraordinary and the impact is real and extraordinary. An important part of innovation is how sustainable it is, a commitment to maintaining and improving its quality and expanding its reach.

The implementation of KIPP in 2021 is slightly different from previous years, this year the theme is "Accelerating Public Service Innovation for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through Knowledge Transfer in the New Normal Order". The innovations that are registered are not specifically in handling Covid-19, but innovations that have been implemented properly and sustainably and must include adjustments to these services during this pandemic.

The Minister of PANRB in his speech said that the implementation of public services carried out by the government had increased but had not fully met the needs of the community. Therefore, in achieving the vision of bureaucratic reform, acceleration and extraordinary efforts are needed to create changes to new traditions, patterns and ways. To create these changes, the Ministry continues to encourage the public service bureaucracy to continue to innovate and since 2014 has held an activity entitled public service competition as an effort to make the bureaucracy willing to innovate even the slightest. KIPP aims to familiarize the culture of innovation among the bureaucracy. The Minister has ordered that the assessment be carried out objectively and accountably and to give appreciation to the assessment team. Based on the report from the committee, the head of the agency attended directly to deliver an innovation presentation that showed a strong commitment and became the key to efforts to improve the quality of public services through innovation. The Minister also congratulated the agency that was selected to be the TOP Praised for Public Service Innovation in 2021. In the future, it is hoped that the innovation competition will be modified according to developments and challenges that exist in the era of adapting new habits using digital platforms.

Based on the assessment stages that have been carried out, it was decided in a plenary meeting of the TOP Praised Public Innovation Services determined by the PANRB Ministerial Decree consisting of TOP 45 Public Service Innovations in 2021, TOP 5 Replications for Public Service Innovations in 2021 and 5 Winners of Outstanding Achievement of Public Service Innovation 2021. TOP 45 Public Service Innovations are divided into Ministry clusters, Government Institutions clusters, BUMN clusters, Provincial clusters, Regency clusters, and City clusters.

Poskesdes and Village Health Insurance: A Grounded Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the Village which is an innovation from the Buleleng Regency Government to be TOP Public Service Innovations Praised KIPP 2021 Regency Cluster and Nayaka Prana (Women and Child Violence Complaints Service) which is an innovation from the Government Denpasar City became the TOP of the Praised Public Service Innovations for KIPP 2021 City Cluster.