PPIIG Udayana University Holds Geospatial Big Data Webinar

Geospatial Information Infrastructure Development Center (PPIIG) Udayana University held an online Geospatial Big Data Webinar via the Zoom application, Saturday (19/06/2021). This webinar was held on the initiative of PPIIG with the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Tourism, Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Udayana University, and assisted by the University of Indonesia and IGI (Indonesian Geography Association). The theme raised in this Webinar is "The Role and Utilization of Geospatial Big Data in the Development of Agriculture and Tourism in Bali.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, M.M. in his speech said that Big Data is becoming a popular word along with how it can store large amounts of data, perform processing and analysis. The era of industry 4.0 big data is unavoidable considering its impact in supporting everyday life. Currently, big data geospatial information has been transformed into digital such as Gojek and Grab. Regional development, especially in the fields of agriculture and tourism, must be based on the use of Geospatial Big Data so that a Thematic, Holistic, Integration and Spatial (THIS) system can be realized. The participants of this webinar cover all regions of Indonesia, including academics on campus, PPIIG friends throughout Indonesia, institutions related to Geospatial as well as students who are interested in geospatial big data.

Rector of Unud Prof. A A. Raka Sudewi on this occasion expressed his appreciation for this webinar activity where geospatial issues are very important because geospatial data is certainly basic data for regional development, especially the Indonesian territory which consists of thousands of islands surrounded by a very wide ocean. With the rapid development of Information Technology, Geospatial Big Data becomes very strategic as a basis for regional development, especially in the fields of Tourism and Agriculture.

This webinar presents three speakers, namely the first speaker, Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, M.Sc as the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Geography Association (IGI) who brought the material "Development of Geospatial Big Data Utilization in Indonesia". The second resource person, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Nuarsa, M.Si. as Professor of Remote Sensing at the Faculty of Agriculture, Unud with the material "Development of Geospatial Big Data Utilization in Agriculture in Bali", and the third resource person, Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Sunarta, M.Sc. as the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Unud with the material "Development of Geospatial Big Data Utilization in the Tourism Sector in Bali".