Announcement of KN MIPA, Indonesian and English Debate Competition and PILMAPRES in 2021

Udayana University through the Student Affairs Bureau held the event "Announcement of the National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Competition, Indonesian Language Debate Competition, English Debate and Student Achievement Election in 2021" which was attended offline and offline, Tuesday (25/05/2021), at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building. Jimbaran Campus.

The event was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Head of Student Affairs Bureau, Vice Deans III, USCC Secretary, Udayana Debating Socaity (UDS) UKM Trustees, the Jury, Chair of DPM, Chair of BEM, as well as KN MIPA, KDMI, English Debate and Pilmapres in 2021.

The Head of BKM I Dewa Gede Oka in his report conveyed that a series of competition processes had been running and carried out well. The KN MIPA was attended by 171 participants who were representatives of each faculty. The Indonesian Debate was attended by 130 participants and the English Debate was attended by 49 participants. Meanwhile, the Pilmapres was attended by 16 participants, both from the Diploma and S1 Program. The Head of BKM hopes that Unud representatives can achieve the best in regional competitions.

Rector of Unud Prof. AA Raka Sudewi in his direction gave the highest appreciation to all competition participants and students who had been determined as winners of the best 5 fields of KN MIPA, 10 best speakers and winners of teams I, II and III for KDMI / NUDC I participants, and for students who won winners I, II, III in the selection of outstanding students at the diploma and undergraduate levels.

The Rector continues to encourage participants who have been declared winners to further increase their capacity, so that they are able to compete to higher levels, namely regional and national levels. Likewise for the participants who have not won the championship so that they continue to learn and increase their capacity because the younger siblings are actually outstanding students and in time are expected to become representatives of Udayana University in the next competition.

The series of selection process for outstanding students in 2021 is not solely to win champions, but far from that, namely to get the best students who will represent Udayana University in competitions at regional and national levels, the Chancellor ordered.

The Rector appreciation was also conveyed to all USCC teams, the Jury, and UDS UKM coaches who have carried out the entire competition process well and smoothly.

The winner of the Pilmapres for the Diploma Category, Rank 1 was won by Hizkia Omega Manorek from the Faculty of Tourism, the S1 Category Rank 1 was won by Putu Brahmanda Sudarsana from the Faculty of Engineering.

Meanwhile for KN MIPA in Chemistry, 1st Rank was won by I Nengah Raka Swastika from the Faculty of Medicine, Biology was won by Putu Emilia Dewi from the Medical Faculty, Physics was won by I Made Putra Arya W from the Faculty of Engineering, and Mathematics was won by Ni Putu Esti Utami Barsua from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

For KDMI (Indonesian Student Debate Competition) Best Speaker Rank I was won by Inten Ayuningrat from FEB, Best Team went to Faculty of Business Economics A, while for NUDC (National University Debating Championship) Best Speaker Rank I was won by Tjokorda Wife Nadya Dewi Pemayun from the Faculty of Medicine and the Best Team was won by the Faculty of Medicine B.