The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University Holds PILMAPRES in 2021

Udayana University through the Student Affairs Bureau held the Student Achievement Selection (PILMAPRES) in 2021 with the theme "Sustainable Development related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Industrial Revolution 4.0", Monday (17/5/2021). The Pilmapres was held offline by implementing The health protocol is located in the Nusantara Room and USCC Room, Agrokompleks Building, Unud Sudirman Denpasar Campus, and is followed online by participants who are outside the region.

The purpose of implementing the Student Achievement Selection is to select the best participants at the Udayana University level to represent Udayana University at the regional and national levels. In addition, it gives awards to outstanding students, and enhances students' creative ideas. The event was attended by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Head of BKM, Deputy Deans for Student Affairs, Chair and Secretary of USCC, the Jury and participants.

Head of the Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University I Dewa Gede Oka in his report said that the Pilmapres is an excellent program which is held annually under the National Achievement Center and Udayana University routinely follows it. Through this activity, it is expected to get the best representatives from Udayana University as in 2020, Udayana University representatives managed to qualify for the national level with the top seven positions, and this year it is expected to achieve achievements like the previous year. The number of participants who took part in the Pilmapres this time was 16 people, 13 of whom represented the S1 Program, and 3 others represented the Diploma Program. The output of this selection process is to produce one Unud outstanding student for the undergraduate program and one for the Diploma program. Participants who pass will take part in the regional level selection at LLDikti Region VIII Denpasar, and if they pass later they will be sent to the national level.

Rector of Unud Prof. A A Raka Sudewi in his speech said that we should be grateful, because in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic that has hit all aspects of people's lives, we must continue to work hard to increase the capacity of students by selecting outstanding students in 2021. Development of graduate quality through intracurricular activities , co-curricular and extracurricular activities are efforts made with full responsibility to develop students' attitudes, personalities, knowledge and skills in supporting curricular activities to achieve national education goals. As is well known, a student is expected not only to have hard skill competences obtained through curricular activities, but also to have soft skills obtained through extra-curricular activities, and one of the efforts made is to participate in the student achievement development program organized by the National Achievement Center is the Selection of Outstanding Students.

The Rector hopes that the series of selection processes for outstanding students in 2021 are not solely to win champions, but far from that, namely to get the best students who represent Udayana University in the selection of outstanding students at regional and national levels. The Rector continues to encourage students to make their best achievements at the national level as has been achieved in previous years. The Rector gave his appreciation to the participants and at the same time provided motivation to continue to improve his abilities in order to achieve maximum results.

The Pilmapres activity lasted for two days (17-18 May 2021), the first day was an assessment of the portfolio of superior achievements and an assessment of English communication, while the second day was an assessment of creative ideas.