Virtual Meeting Bali Reborn Program

In order to succeed the Government Program, namely Bali Reborn, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT (K) attended a virtual meeting with the Director General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health Prof. dr. Abdul Kadir, Ph.D, Sp. ENT-KL (K), MARS, Thursday (06/05/2021).

During this meeting, the Director General conveyed several things including:
1. Target in July, Bali is safe from the virus so that it can attract local and foreign tourists.
2. Inviting the cooperation of traditional and religious leaders to support the Bali Reborn program.
3. Health protocols should be enforced by providing hand washing facilities in places of worship, hotels, markets and tourist attractions.
4. Tightening the prokes at the entrance to sea, land and airports.
5. Suggested that students who participated in the field, this activity be included in the SKS.

Meanwhile, Prof.Dr.dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT (K) conveyed to the Director General regarding:
1. FK Udayana University has involved all elements of students to educate both virtually and directly to the public about health protocols.
2. FK Unud will form a committee that will involve the academic community of the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University and other expert elements, including involving the Indonesian National Police to jointly guard Bali Reborn.
3. FK Ubud will try to formulate and form a team in Bali to then carry out the tasks given to guard Bali Reborn.
4. FK Unud has mobilized residents and professional level students to jointly carry out the vaccination movement in Bali.
5. Obligations related to the educational process, where the activities of students who go to the field to be included in the SKS, for that FK Udayana University will try to convert this, and convey it to LP2M, so that later it might be compared to KKN.

Also attending this meeting were Dr. dr. Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, Sp.MK (K) from OHCC Udayana University and representatives from WHO, UNICEF and PWC.