Virtual Field Evaluation of Submission of Doctoral Study Program in Accounting Science FEB Unud

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University carried out Virtual Field Evaluation activities related to the Proposed Opening of the Accounting Science Doctoral Study Program, Thursday (06/05/2021), at the FEB Building, Unud Denpasar. Also attending offline were the Head of LLDikti Region VIII, Chair of the Senate, Vice Chancellors I and II, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Chair of the LP3M, Chair of the LPPM, and Ka. USDI, as well as ranks from the Faculty of Economics and Business. Meanwhile, online was attended by the Chancellor of Udayana University and the Evaluator Team.

The Head of LLDikti Region VIII Prof. Dr. I Nengah Dasi Astawa, M.Si said that the submission of a Doctoral Study Program in Accounting from various aspects has met the criteria, both from the aspect of Human Resources, the aspect of a very potential market, and in terms of infrastructure. The Head of LLDikti Region VIII hopes that Udayana University will be part of human resource development, especially in eastern Indonesia.