Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Unud Collaborates with Beijing Language and Culture University to Organize

The Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) of Udayana University in collaboration with Beijing Language and Culture University, China held an opening ceremony in the "Virtual Traveling in Beijing through Online Camp" program through a media zoom meeting, Wednesday (17/03/2021). This program was initiated by Beijing Language and Culture University, China to collaborate with TCI Udayana University as an overseas partner and at the same time was given the trust as a host. This program is held for a week starting from 17-22 March 2021 at 14.00 - 16.30 WITA which was attended by 97 students of Udayana University from various study programs in Udayana University.

The opening ceremony (opening ceremony) was preceded by remarks I Made Sendra as the Indonesian Director of Tourism Confucius Institute Udayana University. In his remarks, he emphasized that in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world, of course, we do not have to stay silent in the midst of very tight global competition but how we can improve our capabilities and equip ourselves to be ready to face global competition. For example, in the tourism sector, Chinese tourists are a very potential market and have a very large opportunity to carry out tourism activities around the world, for this reason, through the "Virtual Traveling In Beijing Through Online Camp" program, which invites students to be able to see China's progress both in economic life, culture, language and tourism activities.

The other invitations who attended virtually at the opening ceremony were Prof. Xian Guang as Chinese Director of Tourism Confucius Institute Udayana University, Su Wenjuan as Deputy Director of Confucius Institute Office, Beijing Language and Culture University, Sun Xiaojing as teacher representative and attended by all participants. In this program, students will be taught by professional teachers from Beijing Language and Culture University by providing several materials such as Mandarin lessons, public culture in China, economic life in Beijing, tourism progress in Beijing City, and other activities.

The "Virtual Traveling In Beijing Through Online Camp" program will also provide opportunities for all participants to later receive scholarships at Beijing Language and Culture University, China. Through various cooperation programs that have been implemented by TCI, Udayana University will facilitate, and provide opportunities and opportunities for all students, lecturers, and the general public to be able to improve their Mandarin language skills, as well as opportunities to get scholarships to continue their studies to higher education levels, especially in top universities in China.