Rector of Unud Present as Speaker for the Webinar

Rector of Unud Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi was one of the speakers in the "Haryono Show" which took place online through the Zoom Meeting application and broadcast live streaming on YouTube, Thursday (18/3/2021). Haryono Show which was hosted by Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono and Dr. Mulyono D Prawiro took the theme "Nutritious Gardens and the Role of Higher Education in Its Implementation". Apart from the Rector of Unud, other resource persons who attended this activity were Dr. Ir. Anton Apriyantono, MS Minister of Agriculture in the United Indonesia Cabinet.

The Rector of Udayana University in his material conveyed "The Role and Implementation of Higher Education in Increasing Food Security to Improve Family Nutrition". Food security has a direct impact on family nutrition which can be improved through nutritious gardens that can increase endurance during the Covid-19 pandemic. As an educational institution, Udayana University, through the Tridharma of Higher Education, contributes to increasing food security, one of which is through the implementation of KKN PPM, Real Work Lectures, learning community empowerment. The role of higher education is indispensable for community empowerment in supporting food security through community service programs which are one of the elements of the Tridharma of Higher Education.

While Dr. Anton Apriyantono in his material discusses the Urban Farming Training. Physical work such as gardening according to ability in the sun is something healthy. Dr. Anton also shared experiences with the community and motivated them and mobilized youth to be involved in waste management and planting crops in the area of ​​the house. In addition, he also shared experiences on how to manage dry and wet waste to be processed into fertilizer and manage a healthy environment.