Unud Receives a Visit from Pamulang University

Udayana University received a visit from Pamulang University (UNPAM), Wednesday (03/03/2021) at the Language Room, Udayana University Rectorate Building. The UNPAM visit was carried out in the context of developing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi collaboration between Pamulang University and Udayana University. The UNPAM team chaired by Dr. Sarwani, Director of the UNPAM Postgraduate Program was welcomed by the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation & Information accompanied by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau and the Coordinator for Cooperation and Public Relations.

The Postgraduate Director of UNPAM gave a glimpse of the existence of UNPAM which currently has approximately 90,000 students which is the largest number of university students in Indonesia, has 7 faculties with 17 study programs, and is supported by a lecturer of 2,200 people. UNPAM students mostly come from lower to middle class economies. In addition, it also accepts students with disabilities who are not charged with tuition fees.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation & Information Prof. Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra said that cooperation means cycles in the use of resources, cycles of experience that can be used to improve each other's institutions. The Vice Rector was very impressed with Pamulang University, which has students from people with disabilities and economics from lower to middle levels. This shows that UNPAM has implemented the implementation of "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) which is a global action plan to end poverty and reduce existing gaps. In the future, it is hoped that Udayana University can gain more knowledge from Pamulang University, related to the application of these values. In addition, it is also hoped that both parties can take advantage of existing resources and each of them can develop into a better university.