Udayana University Holds Musrenbang for Fiscal Year 2022

Udayana University held a Planning and Development Deliberation (Musrenbang) for the 2022 fiscal year, Monday (1/3/2021) at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The Musrenbang was attended by 80 participants both offline and online through the Sisco Webex application.

Musrenbang was opened by the Rector of Unud Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi and attended by the Chairman of the Senate, Vice Rector, Chair of the SPI, Deans, Director of the Postgraduate Program, Heads of Bureaus, Special Staff of the Chancellor, Director of the Udayana Hospital, Director of BPU, Chair of the Institution, Ka. USDI, Deputy Deans I, II, III, Asdir I, II, Heads of UPT, Ka.Udayana University Press, Ka. KUI, Chairman of the Professional Certification Institute, and Udayana Media Manager.

Plt. Head of Planning and Finance Bureau I Dewa Gede Oka, SE in his report conveyed that this Musrebang was intended to improve the quality of Udayana University planning which is carried out annually which aims to coordinate various priority programs related to efforts to realize the strategic objectives of the 2022 Annual Strategic Business Plan which will poured into the Annual Budget Activity Plan (RKAT) for the upcoming 2022 fiscal year.

Rector of Unud Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in her speech conveyed that development planning coordination is an effort that needs to be done continuously and needs to be done both vertically and horizontally according to the problem or need. So far, efforts for development planning deliberations have been going on, both at the faculty level and collectively in the form of coordination meetings.

The objective of implementing the 2022 Musrenbang is to coordinate the planning of main programs in the context of realizing the annual activity plan to be included in the activity agenda in 2022. Program targets and work plans will be planned synergistically, in order to achieve the strategic goals set out in the 2020 Business Strategic Plan- 2024 and to find solutions to current development problems. Thus the program will be carried out in a coordinative manner by the work unit, and supported by appropriate financing in the 2022 budget by preventing duplication of activities and inefficiency in funding.

For the fulfillment of the performance contract between the Dean and the Chancellor, the Deans and Pascasarja Directors are expected to develop an activity plan with reference to the achievement targets as specified in the Dean's Performance Contract with the Chancellor. Fulfillment of the target achievement should be made on a quarterly basis and in parallel with the level of budget absorption. Evaluation of budget absorption or achievement of performance targets will be evaluated on a quarterly basis. The Quarterly Evaluation of future budget absorption will be linked in parallel with the achievement of the performance contract. On this occasion, the Chancellor also explained the Leadership Policy Direction and Strategic targets to be achieved by 2022.

At the end of the Musrenbag, a discussion and submission of the 2022 Budget Ceiling for the Fiscal Year by the Rector to each Work Unit, as well as the signing of the Rector Performance Contract in 2021 with the Deans at Udayana University and the Postgraduate Director.