Udayana University Holds MBKM Implementation Workshop

In the framework of implementing the MBKM implementation, Udayana University held an online "Workshop on the Implementation of Independent Learning Campus Courses in the SIMAK-NG System" through the Sisco Webex application on Thursday (28/1/2021). The workshop was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara and followed by Ka. LP3M, Ka. BAKH and team, Ka. USDI and its team, Undergraduate Study Program Coordinators, Faculty Administration Coordinators, Faculty Education and Cooperation Sub-Coordinators and SIMAK Operators in Unud.

In his remarks, the Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs said that the Chancellor had declared Udayana University's participation in the success of this MBKM program. There have been many programs that have been carried out at Udayana University, especially by LP3M with the formation of MBKM teams that have compiled an MBKM implementation guidebook. In addition, USDI has also prepared and backed up the LP3M study and its team, so that IT supporters at USDI can continue the process. In the field of student affairs, through the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and the team have worked intensively to make the implementation of this MBKM a success, and it is hoped that it will run according to the set target.

The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs also said that for the success of this program, the Study Program is the front line for the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially Education, so that the Study Program has a very big role in the process of running the MBKM at Udayana University. By holding this workshop, it is hoped that various problems that arise can be minimized and discussed together.

On this occasion there was also a presentation on the Implementation of the Free Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) course on the SIMAK-NG system delivered by USDI Secretary I Made Arsa Suyadnya, ST, M.Eng, which was followed by a discussion session and question and answer session by the participants.