Following up on the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Government of Mentawai Regency and Udayana University which was signed on October 27, 2020, the Chancellor of Udayana University received a visit from the Regent of Mentawai Regency, at the Chancellor's Living Room, Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus Wednesday (11/18/2020). The visit was intended to develop the Mentawai regency as a large bamboo producer. The Mentawai Regent and his team were received directly by the Rector of Udayana University accompanied by the Head of the Academic Bureau for Cooperation and Public Relations, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, and the Head of the Bamboo Research Center, LPPM Unud.

Mentawai Islands Regent Yudas Sabaggalet said bamboo has become part of the life of the Mentawai people, starting from boiling water, fish, sago, taro and banana. The Mentawai Islands also utilize bamboo, which is a traditional part of its tradition to be used as fuel for power plants. In the future, it is hoped that handicrafts or building construction from bamboo can be developed in the Mentawai area after collaborating with expert bamboo researchers from Udayana University.

Meanwhile, The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A A. Raka Sudewi welcomed the wishes of the Mentawai Regency Government, on this occasion the Rector also explained the existence or embryo of the Udayana University campus which is located in two places and various existing faculties or study programs. Through the MoU that has been signed by the Parties, it is hoped that a lot can be developed in the Mentawai Regency Government through collaboration with Udayana University, not only limited to the study of Bamboo, but can be developed in other forms of cooperation.