Dialogue Udayana BEM PM
BEM PM Unud held a "Udayana Dialogue", which took place in the Language Room of the Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus which was broadcast live through Instagram BEM PM Unud, Tuesday (17/11/2020). The Udayana Dialogue is one of the BEM PM Unud's work programs related to Student Advocacy.
The dialogue program was received by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. I Made Sudarma was accompanied by the Head of BKM, Head of BPKU, Head of the Section for Reasoning and Information Interests and Manager of the Quota Assistance System.
The Head of BEM Dewa Gede Satya Ranasika Kusuma said that in this dialogue several questions that had been accommodated were asked, namely those related to academics, finance and student affairs to get responses from the Rector. The questions raised in this meeting were related to quota assistance considering that there were still students who had not received assistance, the effectiveness of online learning related to assignments, UKT assistance, Online KKN, SKL, utilization of campus facilities and SPI.