Wuhan Coronavirus Webinar (COVID-19) Molecular Virology by Udayana University Virologist Prof. G N Mahardika

Prof. Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahardika Professor of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University gave several views regarding Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) which has become a pandemic in almost all parts of the world, where this outbreak has spread around 213 countries with nearly 200 thousand fatalities. In our country Indonesia, the positive number of COVID-19 patients has penetrated 9,000 people and this pandemic has been declared a national disaster by President Joko Widodo.

Virologist, Udayana University Prof. GN Mahardika has also written several scientific papers related to COVID-19 published in mass media, including in Bali Post media edition Thursday, April 16, 2020 with the title "Avoiding the Pandemic Wave Covid-19" and Kompas Saturday 18 April 2020 edition with the title "Deadly Covid-19 Pandemic ". In this paper he said that a good understanding of the virus is needed to get out of the Covid-19 pandemic stress.

He was also asked to be one of the speakers with topics around Covid-19 and its impact on the Webinar. Here we share Prof. Webinar Material G N Mahardika with the titles "Wuhan Coronavirus Webinar (COVID-19) Molecular Virology and The Pandemic Trend" and "Wuhan Coronavirus Webinar (COVID-19) Molecular Virology Can We Fit in the Middle of the Pandemic". The material can be listened to through the following link:
https://www.unud.ac.id/ac-admin/uploads/files/Trubus%203%20mahardika.pdf and https://www.unud.ac.id/ac-admin/uploads/files/wuhan%20coronavirus%20PDHI%20edit.pdf

In the material above he delivered the results of his thoughts about Corona Virus. Hopefully this information can be a reference in supporting efforts to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19 and deal with the impact.