Holding Udayana Accounting Days 2019, HMPS Accounting Presents Rector's Rotating Cup
Student Association of Accounting Study Program held Udayana Accounting Days 2019, Monday (8/19/2019). This competition is filled with the Capital Market and Financial Institutions involving high school / vocational high school students in Bali, and the National Article Competition for student all over Indonesia.
Udayana Accounting Days aims to provide a place for high school / vocational students as well as students to compete and argue in insight about the world of capital markets and financial institutions. The Capital Market Olympics and Financial Institutions were attended by 32 teams from high schools / vocational schools in Bali, while the National Article Competition was attended by 17 students from various national universities level.
"The Capital Market Olympics were attended by 32 teams, then selected to 25 teams to the final round, while the National Articel Competition there were 17 projects that entered our selection and we selected 10 participants to be presented at the final round," said Committee Chairperson, Ni Kadek Melina Pebriyanti.
2019 is also the first year for Udayana Accounting Days to present the Rotating Cup licensed by the Chancellor of Udayana University. A rotating trophy will be awarded to the winners of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Olympics Champion. According to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Prof. I Made Sudarma, by the presence of Rector's Trophy in the competition it is expected to be able to provide a platform for competition while introducing Udayana University more broadly. "We hope that in the future this competition can develop more broadly and involved by many participants," he added. (dsk, ad)