Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Delivers 63 Prospective Graduates

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University held the Magister Yudicium, Inauguration and Dissemination of Veterinarians and the third Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine on Wednesday (7/8/2019) at Agrokomplek Building on the 4th floor of Unud Sudirman Campus. The graduation was attended by 63 prospective graduates, five Professional Doctor Programs and one prospective graduate from the Master Program.

The Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University hopes that prospective graduates of the Veterinary Studies Program can continue  to the professional program so they can graduate as doctors. In addition, alumni and graduates will be expected to be able to overcome the challenges that occur in the community because veterinarians are needed in various places such as wildlife and poultry, "it seems like graduates who currently graduated prefer to practice independently because they are able to apply the knowledge gained by working itself in their respective places, "explained the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University, Dr. drh. I Nengah Kerta Besung, M.Sc. (Vrd)