Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, M.S. as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at Udayana University in his speech said Sinmawa is one of the important elements in the assessment of accreditation and improvement of the Udayana University cluster. "Current student activities must be oriented towards measurable performance and achievements. Now, the performance and achievement can be seen through Sinmawa which is filled by students, "he said.
Prof. Sudarma added that the purpose of Sinmawa's application is to find out the activeness of students in applying information systems in activities and awards in organizational activities. In addition, through the application of Sinmawa ( student information system), the existence of the organization can be known, including the activities that support achievement, especially in the field of student affairs. Therefore, Bimtek Sinmawa is important to be held so that all people can understand the application and purpose of Sinmawa itself.
Bimtek this time presented two speakers as well as a staff member of USDI (University Information Resources Unit), I Nyoman Purnama, ST., MT and I Komang Agus Mardani, S. Kom. They gave a presentation related to Sinmawa and helped in registering to Sinmawa for the new management. In addition, a socialization of SME Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) was provided by Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa S.Si, M.Kes.
It is hoped that through this activity, students can increase the activity in filling Sinmawa so that each organization has an activity report or award. In addition, it is hoped that this system can be utilized optimally for mutual progress. (yun)