FMIPA Unud Releases 54 Candidates for Masters, Professional and Bachelor Programs
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Udayana University held Masters, Professional and Bachelor Releases on Wednesday (05/22/2019) in Widya Sabha Auditorium of Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The 131st Judiciary was attended by 54 graduates candidate from Masters program, namely Masters in Applied Chemistry and Masters in Biology, Professional programs namely the Pharmacist Profession, and Bachelor Programs namely Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Pharmacy, and Informatics Engineering.
This time Judiciary is different because there are no candinate graduates from Bachelor of Biology program. "Usually in coming period, which is August, there will be many undergraduate study programs that complete their studies," explained the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Drs. Ida Bagus Made Suaskara, M.Sc. He also explained that in that period was the end point of graduation time so that many will graduated in that period.
In the period of May or usually in March there will be at least 50-60 people who follow graduation, but in the period of August there are usually the graduates who have completed their education, "he continued.
Furthermore, the graduates candidate will be invited to collaborate with FMIPA Unud to be asked for advice about the process of implementing education in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud. "Usually we always hold tentor study to ask for feedback from them on how the education that we have been doing in FMIPA done." Explained the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
He also explained that is to find out whether the educational process within Unud's Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was in line with employment or not, so that if there were improvements to the curriculum or other things it could be followed in the future.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Dean hopes that the graduates candidate will be able to contribute to the community especially to devote their knowledge and contribute to the intellectual life of the nation. "And of course in the future they can provide feedback within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for their own children to be useful in the life to come." He continued
I Dewa Gede Budiastawa, S.Kom said he was proud to be able to feel the joys and sorrows of with lecturers and organizations for approximately 4 years in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
The Best Graduates of the Judiciary FMIPA in 131st period said that to be the best graduate does not have to be smart but must have a good attitude, for example is respecting lecturers. "Lecturers care more about students who have a good attitude than they are smart, but their attitude is bad," he explained.
He also said that the term of killer lecturer actually does not exist. "There are strict lecturers and lecturers who can be invited to relax, it all depends on us in front of the lecturers," he continued.
"My message to the Faculty is hopefully in the future there will be more achievements both academic and non-academic and can create useful graduates for the community through researchs in university," he concluded.