Being a place to Young Generation in Marching Band Field, Marching Band Udayana UKM Held Langgam Indonesia

UKM (Student Activity Unit ) Marching Band of Udayana University held Langgam Indonesia XXXII on Saturday (4/5/2019) at GOR Lila Bhuana Denpasar. The competition was attended by TK division participants which were divided into two categories, namely TK Concert Division Contest which captured music without movement variations and TK Display Division Competition where participants played music with walking movements.

Langgam Indonesia XXXII also invited elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and general level participants that will be held on 5-7 July 2019. Langgam Indonesia is an annual activity of UKM Marching Band which has been running for 32 years. The Chair Committee, I Made Dwi Yadnya Putra hoped that this activity could become a place for young generation in marching band field.

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, M.S, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs appreciated the competition held by  UKM ELDMarching Band . He hopes that all UKM in Udayana University can be a place for students to deliver their interests and talents while at the same time creating achievements for Udayana University. (Tam, adt)