Welcoming Upcoming Political Year, IMSOS Unud held National Seminar 2.0

(the first material by the speaker  to participants of National Seminar 2.0)

Denpasar, (14/10) the National Seminar was held by the Association of Sociology Students, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University. National Seminar 2.0 entitled "politics of digital generations: Generation X and Z in welcoming the political year." aims to find out how young people respond to the upcoming political year.

In this seminar, there were three speakers, namely Novri Susan S. Sos, MA, Ph.D (sociologist UNAIR), Dr. Muhammad Qodari, S.Psi, MA (Executive Director of Indo Barometer, IB) and Cania Citta Irlanie (Political Vlogger Geolive ID) took turns giving material to the participants.

(Photo session of moderator and second speaker at national seminar 2.0)

Held on October 14, 2018 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran with participants both students in Bali and the general public. Through this seminar it is expected that all the participants are able to determine the right choice in welcoming the upcoming political year, and share it with the surrounding environment.